Package AccessGrid :: Module AGServiceManager :: Class AGServiceManagerI
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Class AGServiceManagerI

SOAPInterface --+

Interface Class for AGServiceManager

Method Summary
  __init__(self, impl)
This constructor for all SOAP Interfaces.
  AddService(self, serviceDescStruct, resourceStruct, serviceConfigStruct)
Interface to add a service to the service manager...
  AddServicePackage(self, serviceFile, resourceStruct, serviceConfigStruct)
Interface to discover local resources...
Interface to get a list of AGServiceDescriptions representing...
Interface to get a list of the resources known to the service manager...
Interface to get a list of AGServiceDescriptions representing...
  RemoveService(self, serviceDescStruct)
Interface to remove a service from the service manager...
Interface to remove the services on a service manager...
Interface to shut down the service manager...
Interface to stop services on the service manager...
  _authorize(self, *args, **kw)
This is meant to be a base class for all SOAP interfaces, so it's going to default to disallow calls.
    Inherited from SOAPInterface
This method is here to support calls that just want to see if there is a valid server endpoint for communication from the client.
This method is here to support calls that just want to see if there is a valid server endpoint for communication from the client.
This method implements the guts of extracting the subject from the soap call.
This method implements the guts of extracting the subject and the action from the SOAP call.
This method extracts all the methods and creates MethodActions for them, which means Authorization can be automatically loaded with actions for all the methods on an interface object.

Method Details

__init__(self, impl)

This constructor for all SOAP Interfaces.

@param impl: an implementation object messages are routed to.
@type impl: a python object.
Overrides: (inherited documentation)

AddService(self, serviceDescStruct, resourceStruct, serviceConfigStruct)

Interface to add a service to the service manager

    *serviceDescription* description of the service to add
    *resourceToAssign* resource to assign to service
    *serviceConfig* configuration to apply to service after it's been added


Interface to discover local resources



Interface to get a list of AGServiceDescriptions representing
the services available for installation


    a list of AGServiceDescriptions


Interface to get a list of the resources known to the service manager


    a list of the AGResources on the machine


Interface to get a list of AGServiceDescriptions representing
the services on the service manager


    a list of AGServiceDescriptions

RemoveService(self, serviceDescStruct)

Interface to remove a service from the service manager

    *serviceToRemove* A description of the service to remove


Interface to remove the services on a service manager



Interface to shut down the service manager



Interface to stop services on the service manager


_authorize(self, *args, **kw)

This is meant to be a base class for all SOAP interfaces, so it's going
to default to disallow calls. Derived interfaces can tailor this to
suit their needs.

@return: 0, things are not authorized by default.
Overrides: (inherited documentation)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Jan 09 13:23:48 2006